She’s everything everyone knows that I could never be

She’s the Beauty

I'm the Beast

Except she’ll never see the prince inside of me


She smiles at me

But does she see

My heart through my hardened shell

Without her grace

I hide my face and I live my life in hell


Something inside told me not to hide

It told me “it’s her or no other until you die”

“its her or no other ‘till your hearts still and dry”

But now there’s no tears; I just write, I don’t cry

That’s why she stays golden as the apple of my eye


I can’t go on like this

So what’s a fool to do

It’s all too much to miss

I think I’ll do what I’m supposed to do


As time goes by you’ll understand

Why it had to be this way

I cannot live in this wonderland

That is, for me, so dreary and so grey.


“Away, away” the captain cries

And I must heed his call

To the place from which I came before

I must return before I fall


As some have said in the past

Its better to burn out, than to fade away.

The sun is low, the shadows cast,

What better day than today?


The sun keeps going down

The temperature is dropping

Upon my heart a thorny crown,

The pain will not be stopping


“Away Away” shouts the captain,

This time with force and vigor

The last rays of the sun span down

And cast a shadow upon his figure

In his eyes I saw a pain

That was a match for mine

A pain that would not be lessened

By the passing of due time.


“My brother” I called as I reached for him

“We needn’t rush way”

"Let’s stay a bit, and rest on it.

And find a better way."


But as my hand grew closer

To closing upon his

The smoke and mirrors disappeared

Retreating into the mist


I had been gazing at my reflections

As I had done for years,

sitting in a quiet room

alone with all my tears


I pray for the day

these feelings will go away

sorrow from yesterday

filling tomorrow and today

I tense with rage

inside this cage that

I wrote onto this page

in this chapter of days

trapped in a haze filled maze in a craze.

I fucked up, me.

I clearly see

that as sorry as I dearly be,

I’ll always be

only nearly me, incomplete.

An answer is in the unknowing

and in the feelings you’re not showing

and in the places we won’t be going

inside my race is slowing, and still

my true face is not showing.

And no release, it seems

From the demons that seek

my strong spirit that’s meek

my only solace, it seems,

is in my dreams.


Ask and ye shall know Seek and ye shall find Look and ye will see the deepness of my mind You wont know me from a question You wont know me from a stare But heed my path, dont follow me This road’s not for the fair I leave you now further away than you began I have skewed your new view of me All in this stanza’s span Don't shut your eyes I'm falling faster than The sun in November Don't close your eyes and miss it It'll be a time to remember Surrender to me now the signs are coming clear Don't turn away you'll miss it all And that would be a shame my dear We didn't come to play; we came to fight We didn't come to stay; we came to die So you must learn to fight the power Every day and every hour Why are you fighting me?